Wednesday, January 26, 2011


OBSESSION - the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.

What are we obsessed with? Jesus died that we MIGHT become obsessed with God. But for some people that’s not the case. We find obsessions in the things that we can see. Only to obtain a temporary fix for the emptiness that dwells inside of us. What are we filling the emptiness within us with? We forsake God for things that are temporary. This madness within our souls only come to squeeze out our joy, peace, and the love that we are suppose to have for God. (According to 1 John 2:15-17) It’s time that we wake up and cry out for God, and not the things that we see and don’t have. Wake up to something greater, that will last for eternity. Whatever we become obsessed with, is what we will become.
An obsession with a temporary fix leads to eternity of destruction with that same temporary fix tormenting our very souls.
An obsession with God compels us to a life set apart from the pleasure of this falling world.
Take a look around, doesn’t it seems as if everything in this world is passing away? The bible tells us that life is but a vapor. Do we really think that we will live in this world forever? The life that we live tells God, the people around us, and ourselves what we truly believe deep within our heart.
Ask yourself one question today and be honest with yourself and with God.
What pleases me the most?

1 comment:

  1. A lot of people are scared to anwer that question because they know it's not God. keep challenging the body of "Christ" to check their hearts for real.
